We had our town hall meeting at work this week, and it was really sad to find out that one of our colleagues had passed away. I’d crossed paths with him before, and I remembered him always smiling. He’d just retired after 30 years with the company and passed away in less than a couple of weeks into retirement. He had so many dreams he was looking forward to…
It’s moments like this that make me stop and think deeply about life. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been fooling myself for some time. My logical brain always finds a way out, always comes up with an excuse. Instead of being my own best friend, I’ve turned into my own worst enemy.
Day in, day out, year after year, waiting…
Waiting for what? Waiting for the right time to pursue dreams, take risks, make changes. But the right time never seems to arrive. It’s always just out of reach, elusive, and ever-shifting like sand slipping through my fingers.
Did you notice there’s always something crazy going on in the world? Did you notice there’s always something going on in your world… someone warning you to be careful, someone looking down on your dreams?
Stop waiting for validation, that perfect moment, that fairy-tale scene where everything falls into place. Take that leap of faith, even when your brain screams at you to stay put, and stop waiting for the stars to line up.
The truth is, there will always be obstacles, doubts and uncertainties along the way. But in the middle of it all, there is beauty and growth. Learn to recognize those moments of clarity and courage where you realize that the only thing holding you back is your own fear of failure or rejection.
So, here’s my call to action: no more waiting for the right time. Dive in, embrace the fear, and take those steps. Because, time is now.