Who am I? This question has been at the core of my existence – and the leitmotif of my art – for as long as I can remember.
I recall with great clarity the various perspectives through which those closest to me viewed me. My father, my mother, my brother, my childhood friends – each had their own unique perception of who I was. And then there was my own reflection that I was trying to decipher.
Why did they see me so differently from how I saw myself?
In past posts, I’ve touched on the theme of identity and the multitude of roles we carry with us. I am a daughter, sister, cat mama, friend, artist, IT professional, real estate agent, student, and so on.
And, at any given moment, our identities are accompanied by a range of emotional states – from love to indifference, from passion to apathy, from envisioning the best to fearing the worst. I am a loving daughter, sister, cat mama, friend…
Yet, beyond these labels lies a deeper truth. I am not confined to my roles or defined by my current emotional state. There’s a fundamental essence that transcends identities and emotions.
So, who am I really? And, dare I ask, who are you?