Ever found unexpected wisdom in the midst of mandatory company training? Over the past week, I had to immerse myself in a marathon of such trainings. And you know what? One captured my attention! It got me thinking and even made me change my mind on what I intended to share with you this Sunday.
The course “Introduction to Conscious Inclusion” reminded me of “the onion” from the “social penetration theory.” Are you familiar with this concept? If you aren’t, imagine the onion as a metaphor that describes the gradual process of self-disclosure, where people peel back layers of personal information to eventually reach the core of one another.
Let’s embark on this onion-peeling journey together, starting from the outermost layer and moving inward. You will see how relationships evolve and why some remain at superficial levels:

- Bio data: The surface-level facts about us.
- Our preferences: What we like and dislike.
- Our goals and aspirations: Our dreams and ambitions.
- Thoughts and feelings: The inner workings of our minds and hearts.
- The core of our self: The essence of who we are.
Before delving into another person’s layers, are you willing to peel back this onion for yourself? If yes, how deeply are you ready to delve into these layers to gain a profound understanding of yourself?
Achieving “conscious inclusion” demands that we embark on an inner journey, exploring layer number four – our thoughts and feelings. This layer requires us to be vigilant and aware of our own judgments, biases, and inner conflicts.
If you’re brave enough to venture into the depths of this onion-like self-discovery, remember – you might need a knife and, much like peeling a real onion, you might shed a tear or two along the way.
Take a look if you like at the onion model. It has applications in so many fields!