As the year winds down, I’m looking forward to celebrate this special season by sharing my art print series, Awaiting Your Arrival: Snow, now available in my (still new) online boutique store. Art lovers, interior decorators, and gift shoppers across the globe, this post is for you! Don’t miss my Holiday & End-of-Year Sale: $99 OFF any framed art print from this one-of-a-kind winter series.
Not only is the imagery truly unique, but the quality of the prints and handmade wooden framing is outstanding. Choosing a printer shop was a long process, but I finally settled on one in the UK whose craftsmanship I trust completely. To make these prints accessible to buyers from all countries, I’ve decided to absorb the shipping costs, ensuring the same retail prices for everyone.
Curious about how this series came to life? Let me take you on a journey down memory lane:
Did you happen to take a stroll down Allen Street on a chilly Friday evening in February 2011?
Come on in and welcome to the opening reception of the Awaiting Your Arrival performance installation at the Indigo Gallery. It’s wonderful to see you smiling!
Indigo Gallery was truly a gem, and its generous owner, the late Elisabeth Samuels, let me use the entire space! Can you see all the playgrounds? Who do you think is peeking at you from the balcony? No, it’s not me, just my cardboard double… As for where I am, well, if you can’t tell, that’s a story for another time…
Shh, performance in progress… after a glass (or two) of wine…
That’s me behind the video projection… Can you now see the origins of this art print series?
Don’t be shy, take those stairs all the way up to the cozy loft space! There, you’ll find the complete Awaiting Your Arrival art print collection (Water and Snow), beautifully displayed alongside a delightful spread of goodies, kindly provided by Elisabeth and her husband, Jeff.
And here we are, at the end of the journey, taking a closer look at one of the prints from the Awaiting Your Arrival: Snow series.
I hope you enjoyed the recollection of my show, if you made it this far. And don’t forget to visit my online art store and tell your friends about it!
Happy shopping!